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  1. #11
    Medium Discus
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    epping nsw
    Quote Originally Posted by mistakes r crucial
    If the drought worsens and the powers that be start working it out then I wouldn't be at all surprised if they put the mockers on non essential usage ie pet fish. It is a very large industry and important to our economy but I doubt the Government will see it as important as sustaining farmers, the meat, wheat and cotton industries.
    I dont believe this will ever happen guys, amongst other things it is impossible to police the issue. This is a free country after all, and no government would be stupid enough to tell you that you cant have a hobby. Think of all the consequences, extra time for other (worse) things resulting in heavens knows only what complications. Beside we DO HAVE ENOUGH water in Aussie land it is a matter of distribution. We are looking at doing just that and you might hear of a few surprises in the not too distant future.

    Rain will return, life cycles, so does nature. So enjoy things and dont worry. Just dont waste.

    .....Keep fit guys....get the bicycle out.....Jim

    have fun and be nice to each other

  2. #12
    San Merah Discus
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Booral, Qld, Australia
    That makes me more nervous Jim lol! We don't have a water restriction in sight on the Sunshine Coast and when you say distribution all I can see is all our precious water disappearing down a huge pipe to you buggars in Sydney I believe in share and share alike, until it comes to our beautiful Qld water. Get your own I say! Only joking. On a serious note, it looks like the Government are moving forward now anyway so lets hope it's all a huge success and the rain comes back and where it is supposed to go.

  3. #13
    Moderator scott bowler's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Ettalong beach
    it is still a serious matter the government has let things go on to long. i hope the rains do come back my livly hood depends on it as im a gardener and we are the first to cop the crap when the plants in the grounds of a pollies house or a goverment department die.but most of all i dont want to loss my hobby so if we can ease up will water it will help.

  4. #14
    Moderator kalebjarrod's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Tamborine, Farm Boy
    Water is a presious resource, and one of my passion's

    when goverment does decided to chage the way we use water the usage will be in this order

    1. Enviroment
    2. Domestic
    3. Industrial
    4. Aggriculture

    the enviroment will retain about 60% of the water, this means we will allow the first 60% of all river water to reach the ocean

    the rest will be divided between the last three in order

    we will all have to become better water use's

    hard to do in our hobby without spending massive amounts of cash

  5. #15
    Turquoise Discus
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Adelaide, Australia
    I was told that only 1% of all Australai's water usage is domestic. If that's the case and those are the allocation priorities surely we'll be OK if we're sensible with it?

  6. #16
    Moderator scott bowler's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Ettalong beach
    there is ads here in sydney saying at the moment that it is around 70% so who knows

  7. #17
    Moderator kalebjarrod's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Tamborine, Farm Boy
    1% may be from overall water (ie rivers, private dams, and community resivors) but domestic use from our drinking supply is much higher

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