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Thread: gh for breeding

  1. #1
    Just an Egg
    Join Date
    May 2006
    port stephens NSW

    gh for breeding

    hi all
    was wondering what is the ideal gh for breeding is.
    i know the water needs to be soft for the sperm to ferterlize the eggs.the reason for the question is i am getting about a 20/30 percent rate of white gh is around the 3 to 4 gh

    cheers andrew

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nicholson Victoria
    Hi Andrew and Good Luck with this exciting phase of discus keeping!
    I had read that Discus will spawn in hard alkaline water and hatched discus will develop in same, If the total hardness is much above 6degrees dH, the outer shell of the eggs will harden prematurely and be too hard for sperm to penetrate. I have been raising my first batch for the past few weeks and this advice has worked for me. HTH Vicki
    Life is too serious to be taken seriously.......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nicholson Victoria
    OOOPS !
    Sorry, I'm a bit off topic, but what is that discus in the photo under your name (aquaholic) I have 2 of these which my hubby purchased in error - I had a nice orange one and he thought he found more of the Orange, but the bodies are yellow and these fish are different! I dont like them as much and they have been peppering up on me YUK! Vicki
    Life is too serious to be taken seriously.......

  4. #4
    Just an Egg
    Join Date
    May 2006
    port stephens NSW
    hi vicki
    not to sure what there title is but i have 6 of them 3 of them are realy clean.when they where young there peppering was strong but as they have matured they realy have cleaned up heaps only one has real noticeable the way inthe main tank with normal daylight tubes they appear quiet yellow but in the breeding tank with half agrow tube (purple) it realy brings out the orange.
    ps good luck with the fry i am hoping that i to will be raising fry myself soon

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