Fishless Cycling.

Advantages of the fishless cycling.
Well the main reason for fishless cycling is that there is no harm to fish. Although the fish used are supposedly hardier and can take ammonia well it still causes them stress. With fishless cycling no fish are subject to ammonia so there is no stress put on any fish. Another great reason for fishless cycling is the time is take, by using ammonia instead of using fish to create it, you can add the desired amount without having to wait for the fish to produce it, because of this it makes the cycle last half the time if using fish. Also because you are not using hardier fish there is now no way for disease to be brought into the aquarium through the hardier fish. Once the cycle has finished using the fishless cycle the hobbyist can ass any amount of fish too the tank, because the fishless cycle creates as much bacteria as possible the bio load should not even come close to the amount of bacteria that has formed over the cycle period. In fact there is actually too much bacteria so some of which might die because there is not enough bacteria being produced to feed all of the bacteria.

When fishless cycling was first introduced it was said that the method was too add 1-2 drops of ammonia per 10gals till reaching 5ppm. Because the concentration of different ammonia product vary there is an easier way to measure. Firstly add enough ammonia on the first day to get a reading of 5ppm, record this result and repeat each day until the nitrite peak. Once the nitrite peak has occurred continue with half the amount use previously. Then continue this until both ammonia and nitrite levels are at 0ppm and you should have a high reading of nitrates in the water. Now your cycle has completed you need to get rid of the nitrates, too do this you will need to do a water change. Try doing as big as a water change as you can, even after the water change test for nitrates as there could still be a high amount which you will need to do another water change.

Sources of Ammonia.
Most people i have talked to find it hard to find ammonia, the ammonia used must be free of any surfactants, perfumes, and colourants. If you can try and get ACS grade ammonium hydroxide, using this product you wont need as much as it is very powerful. Always read the label, you need ammonia that is pure or clear ammonia, most commonly found at your grocery or hardware stores. Make sure it is pure/clear ammonia and not cloudy, if using cloudy it will cloud up the tank and wont be any use. If you are unsure if you have the right ammonia, give the bottle a shake, if it contains any additives or is cloudy ammonia then it will foam and bubble at the top of the bottle. Pure/clear ammonia should not foam or bubble when shaken.

Sources of bacteria.As with the traditional way of cycling, you can use some things too help speed up the cycling. Such thing include; gravel, sponges and filter media from a Healthy established tank. In an established tank bacteria has formed on most things inside the tank, if you can find a tank which has been running for sometime you an take an object from the tank and put it in your cycling tank so the bacteria from the object will multiply and start forming around your tank. Try to avoid shop tanks, as they have fish passing through their tanks on a regular basis which can spread disease. Another way is a highly debated product which contains nitrifying bacteria in a bottle. The main problem with this is that bacteria need food and oxygen too live and these products don't come with a freshness label or use by date.

Water changes whilst cycling.
The only water change that is a must is performed at the end of a cycle where you will need too change 60-90% of the water too bring back down the nitrates, this must be done before adding fish. You may also need to do a partial water change if you add too much ammonia, having too much ammonia will take the cycle longer too form enough bacteria too turn the ammonia into nitrites. If you do water changes do not use any dechlorinators, or add any too the tank. Most of these products have the ability too remove some amount of ammonia which in this case the presence of ammonia is a good thing. Once the cycle is complete you can resume using these products again.

Hospital or unused tanks.
This same method can be used to keep unused or hospital tanks thriving with bacteria, with the amount used daily in the cycle, add to your unused or hospital tank daily. If this is kept up when your ready too use the tank there will be enough bacteria maintained too support the bio load of new fish, which in a hospital tank is very important because if you have a sick fish the last thing you want to worry about is ammonia levels. The adding of ammonia should cease the day before a fish is added to the tank, too make sure the bacteria has turned it into nitrates, again a large water change should be performed to reduce nitrates.

Ill leave this topic unlocked so if you have any questions or you need help just reply under this topic.