From what I have gathered... * means they are breeding (that I know of)

Eartheaters list

G. abalios (immediate ovophilous, what came in as dicrozoster)
G. abalios (what was being sold as G. cf. altifrons "Aripuana I")*
G. altifrons "Manaus"
G. altifrons "Tocantins ???" (immediate ovophilous, different to below, maybe different alti variant) *
G. altifrons "Tocantins" (quite common now) *
G. brachybranchus (sold as surinamensis, has 4-5 lateral bars (maybe more?) and in some pics a tear shaped lateral spot) *
G. sp. (also sold as surinamensis, 7 lateral bars, have seen young fish with bars 4 and 5 forming a Y (related to true G. dicrozoster?), maybe the same fish as G. brachybranchus, lateral barring may change as the fish matures)
G. winemilleri
G. cf. argyrostictus "Arapiuns" *
G. cf. argyrostictus "Aripuana" (were possibly here not anymore)
G. sp. "Rio Branco" (formerly G. cf. altifrons "Aripuana II")(larvophilous) *
G. sp. "Araguaia Orange Head" (larvophilous) *
G. sp. "Tapajos" Orange Head" (larvophilous) *
G. sp. "Pindare" *
G. brasiliensis *
G. steindachneri *

Satanoperca leucosticta (spotted face, delayed ovophilous) *
Satanoperca sp. "Sinuous" (swirly face, delayed ovophilous) *
Satanoperca lilith (maybe here) * maybe breeding

Acarichthys heckelii *
Guianacara geayi

Gymnogeophagus balzanii *
Gymnogeophagus labiatus "Centurion"

Biotodoma cupido

Rumours / very unlikely / incorrectly labelled list
G. altifrons "Tapajos" (possibly here)
G. altifrons "Xingu" (quite likely here)
G. dicrozoster (not here)
G. sp. "Bahia Red" (not here)
G. iporangensis (not sure)
Satanoperca jurupari (not here)
Gymnogeophagus meridionalis (not here)

http://www.geocities.com/eartheatersoz/ SITE UPDATED

Araguaia - ara gwhya
Aripuana - ari pun nar
Tocantins - toe can teens
Tapajos - tapa Yos
Xingu - shing gu
Manaus - man nows