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Thread: sore eye

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Perth, Western Australia
    I know we all like to be touchy-feely and support one another but I have to say that I disagree with how this issue was handled.

    Had it been my fish I would have manually removed the eye myself long before it got to the advanced stage that it did. Had it been removed earlier the chances are the bad eye and the problem causing it would now be gone (not all tumors are malignant you know).

    More than once I have seen fish that have lost and entire eye due to fighting and/or being attacked by a larger/more aggresive fish, and the fish that lost their eye (once rescued from the attacker of course) goes on to live a completely normal life.

    I'm sorry, but in my opinion leaving it get to that stage was a mistake and gave him no chance of survival, although I respect your decision to do so.



  2. #112
    Medium Discus
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    So Jim if you had a fish with popeye would you euthinaise straight away, Is fighting this a lost cause.

    Are we dealing with cancer.

    im only asking cause one of my fish has developed this too.
    Ive been told that there is no hope.

  3. #113
    Medium Discus
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    pop eye is a descriptive term not a diagnosis, that is the problem with it's usage as such

    by saying pop eye we are really meaning exopthalmus or prtorusion of the globe(eyeball) from the socket

    this is just a visual appearance not a specific cause for that appearnace
    there are more statiscally common reasons for this appearance
    and there is net lore or the power of repeated guess...
    possibly reasons for exopthalmus more commonly incude
    odeama or inflammation in the supporting tissue of the eye

    marine fish that are recently captured and airlifted appear to suffer with gas accumulation behind the eye
    infectious agents that coud be involved include bacteria,viruses,fungi and other parasites
    trauma if given appropriate supportive treatment can often be self resolving
    neoplasia is rare
    riboflavin deficency has lead to eye problems in farmed fish, vitamin A deficency casue's eye lesion in many animals aswell as fish

    the list of possibilties makes internet treatment hazardous and sometimes harmful
    without physical examination and some testing the best we can do is guess, experience can obviously aid guessing

    as for enucleation of the eye, that is probably a good idea, though if people intend to do things like this to their own fish they must consider the suffering aspect..
    greggy what would you have used to relax the fish for such a procedure?
    how would you have dealt with the pain of such a procedure
    i assume animals are protected from 'unecceary suffering' in australia as they are in england
    and how would you have sealed the wound after removal of the eye


    ps i dont like euthanasia, i have seen too many things recover when even my trained guessing thought they wouldnt
    that is purely my personal choice and everyone is intitled to their own choice in that matter

  4. #114
    Eternal Moderator Merrilyn's Avatar
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    Melbourne Vic.
    Andrew, thankyou so much for your comments. Jim was constantly in touch with a vet during this whole sad process process.

    I know you are a very busy vet, but we really do appreciate the time you take to participate in this forum.
    Thirty-five years keeping and breeding discus, and I'm still learning :P

    Merrilyn has passed, but will not be forgotten - Goodbye dear friend

  5. #115
    Medium Discus
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    epping nsw

    Like all things in life.......

    Where is the definition of "right" or "wrong" and "love" for that matter.

    Who dares to define these ?????

    We can only do any of those, according to our OWN personal feelings, and I am certain that if one feels deep inside that all has been done what could reasably be done, one has succeeded.

    I know that my friend is back with his FRIENDS now, ........I only borrowed him for a while. He thaught me a lot.

    I appreciate if we can leave it there guys.

    .....Keep fit guys....get the bicycle out.....Jim

    have fun and be nice to each other

  6. #116
    Moderator scott bowler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Ettalong beach
    well said jim and that we shell

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