I only had one fish in my tank and that was a Butterfly Kleini. I was warned by Ben it might be trouble but thought it was worth a try.
Yesterday i noticed he took a liking to my new elegance coral i got the day before. In that time he's torn it apart and it's now half the size it was.
I had to take my tank apart just to get the little son of a *$&#. Finally got him and took him to the LFS. I learnt a valuable lesson, make sure your fish are reef freindly and compatible with each other. If not getting them out will be a nightmare as there are so many hiding spots and I swear this butterfly was the smartest fish i've ever had. The sec the net went anywhere near the tank he took of and hid.
Bright side is that I couldn't figure out how I had the tank arranged originally so had to do it all again. I think it looks nicer now well I think so and nobody is going to tell me otherwise ok