First off I would like to say this forum is amazing. Tons of great information that has already helped me decide on a few things I will do while setting up my Discus tank.

Though I am not new to Aquariums, started when I was about 10yrs old and I am 24 now, I have never really had a Planted tank and have never owned any Discus. I have had very successful tanks over the past 4 or 5yrs. I had 3 plecos that I raised from 2inch Juvys to foot long adults. Sadly I have parted with them due to my tank being 75 Gallons and the 3 Plecos being a foot or so large. I did find out though that two of the plecos found a new home in a 150 Gallon tank that the person bought specifically for those 2. Made me very happy to know they have moved into a larger home. I have also succefully breeded Guppies a few times, not that breeding guppies is rocket science since they did everything on their own and I just watched and feed them.

Anyways off to my question. Not having to much knowledge on planted tanks and discus do you all think it would be a good idea to take the plunge and start off a new tank with Plants and Discus or should I just try a NON Planted Discus tank to get some experience with Discus? I plan to purchase 5-7 Juvy Discus, approx 2-3inchs round and I have been told that Discus love plants, I'm guessing this is so that they can hide from direct light sources.

I will try to provide info of what equipment I have but I am at work so dimensions and such cannot be provided atm.

-75 Gallon Oceanic Tank
-Large Double Sump Emperor Bio-Wheel Filter
-Fluval 404 Canister Filter (I have 2 of these but probably don't need both?)
-UV Light (Was told this is not needed for Discus, but for plants maybe?)
-Don't know my light wattage but it is one tube that spans the whole top of the tank and is pure white color.

I appreciate your input and look forward to sharing experiences with all of you.