New pictures of the fish! stil playing with the settings on the camera!

(when i first got them)

Just wanted to post these...

the tank was set up in october as a planted tank...

Fish have been doing great, altho something i though to be flukes... was nitrites problems...

it's the plants who have been harder to keep!!

tank is :

200Watts lighting
Eheim 2213
2 powerheads
DIY CO2 injected inside the eheim

Fish: 4 discus, not sure of the origin... i actualy knew it... baught them directly from an importer who i used to work with... i might have some better pics if any of u guys want to have a go at guessing their origin (now dont say the amazon )
-12 blue tetra (snack... to replace my 8 emperors that they ate within a month... i just baught these )
-8 otocinclus, also baught today...
-3 ancistrus ranunculus
-2 nerita snail
-1 female apistogramma cacatoides (male disapeared... i suspect the discus)

lots of plants...

Thanks for all the help!
