Gi day
Just joined the forum site and wanted to say hello.
I use to have discus years ago but had to sell up my tanks, when I went to work in outback NSW. Over the last couple of months I have been setting up a new tank and last week put 4 Discus in too it, all doing well so far.
I have not taken any notice of these fish in the last twenty years, and, have things changed, more strains, better filter systems and internet forums. Found this one last night, on night shift, spent nearly all night studing the heeps of great info available,lucky it was a quite night.
I rasied 6 really good Discus back when I kept them twenty years ago so I'm hoping to have the same success again.
The tank is in the lounge roon so I have to have all the plants and rocks, my wife wants it to look good LOL and it kinda does. when everything settles down I'll post a pic if I can.
One question though I've noticed in some topics, some strains have peppering. could uplease explain peppering?
C ya
Regards Steve