
I have 3 male angelfish (1 x white, 1 x smokey/chocolate & 1 x gold marble) that seem to hate each other. At the moment they are about 10cm excluding fins. How large do you think I can expect them to grow? They live in a lightly planted tank that is 90cm x 42cm x 70cm. The pH is 7, ammonia 0, hardness 3-6 and temperature 26 degrees. Their tank mates are 2 blue cochus tetra, 3 kuhli loaches and a 15cm Chinese algae eater. I would like to re-aquascape the tank when I have managed to find a new home for the algae eater (anyone want a large algae eater? ). Then I will be looking for some new tank mates for the angels but what I get will be limited by the size my angels will reach. Are there any "miniature" angels?
