Umm. hey there i actually dont have any discus as of right now the whole reason of my aquarium was my reaction when i seen one in a pet store i actually started my tank in sep i have 7 neon tetras all my water levels a perfect the tank has been going for about 50 days so i do get everything corret i have been quite patient i was going to ask about my filter i have a rena xp2 for a 75 gallon tank and i have a 30 not that big but i did order 2 discus and i did read somthing about over filter and too much current i also have quite a few plants in there now umm and i have a co2 defuser that i just purchased today and is there such thing as too much plants like its not overly clustered but it looks nice and natural right now im doing about 60% water change a week soo with the discuss ive read that lots of water change is manditory well thnx alot and for my few question muchly appeciated if u can get them thnx alot