Finally after trying several unsuccessful approaches to getting my 5 inch red royal blue discus better, I succeeded by dosing the tank with 400m/40L metro evry other day along with 250mg tetracycline/40 L daily, raising the temperature to 94 degrees and adding 3 tablespoons aquarium salt per 5 gallons water.

Her color has returned to normal and her eyes are clear again. Although she doesn't look emaciated - she ate like a horse before she got sick - she hasn't eaten in 16 days, and spends most of the time face downward on the bottom of the tank.

Is there someway- eg thawed blood worms mixed with tank water using an eyedropper - I can force feed her or is it just a matter of time before she comes around and starts eating on her own?

My concern is that even though the disease may be gone, after 16 days of not eating she may be just too weak to feed herself and end up starving to death as a result.

Any help would be deeply appreciated.
