
I´ve been having saltwater aquariums before, but been thinking about a Discus-tank for quite some time now. I find it much harder to find info on the setup of the tank when it comes to Discus than it is for the Reef-aquariums. This is why I now have a few questions. I hope you can help me...

I´ve realized 29°c is a good temperature, and I intend to use a Reverse Osmosis unit for the water. I realize that quite heavy waterchanges is needed and a good filter as well.

Except for that, what do I need. I have quite a lot of equipment from the latest salt-tank, like pH computer and uvc filter- which I thought I might use. Do you connect CO2 to the water in some way?? I also have some Tunze Turbelle circulation-pumps. (One is 7000 l/hour and one is 12 000 l/hour). Even the smallest one of those would be too much circulation for Discus- or? How much circulation is recommended?
Anything else I should think about? I heard it might be good to keep some roots and stuff for the pH- is this right?

Please inform me. And if you know of webpages of tank-setups for the Discus-tanks, please give me some links...

Thanks you very much!!
