Hi all...got this from another forum...I think it sums many things up beautifully:

If your Panduro is already symtomatic the prognosis is not good. I may be more cynical than most but certain generalities seem to apply to Apistogramma. One partner of a pair always dies if you have spawned them once and not salvaged any fry. One partner of a pair often kills the other because no replacements are available. Something they eat disagrees with them and some die. If you really like a certain species and lavish it with the best of everything, it will die.
These fish are perverse; sometimes those you ignore the most live the longest. By all means perform autopsies/fecal analysis. Hell, that's why I have a lab grade microscope. I've learned all kinds of things about fish diseases that have no practical treatments.
Just keep at it and sometimes you end up with a mess of fry from some rare and beautiful species. Getting there is half the fun and all the expense.
