Hi All,

I'm still way at the bottom of the learning curve when it comes to apistogrammas, so this might seem a very basic question, but I haven't seen an explanation of this yet.

Basically, what's the difference between the following naming conventions:
Apistogramma xxxx
Apistogramma sp. xxxx
Apistogramma cf. xxxx, eg. Apistograma cf. viejita "Rio Pebas"

I've seen the same term used to describe a apistogramma's but under the different naming convention. For example, and I'm making these up so don't get annoyed if because they're wrong and make no sense:

Apistogramma Trifasciata "Macliensis" versus
Apistogramma sp. Macliensis.

The main reuse of the describing term I see used is when the territory a species of apistogramma comes from, eg. "tefe", is used simply as sp. "tefe" without the species actually being names, eg: (again I'm making this up)
Apistogramma Agazissii "Tefe" versus
Apistogramma sp. Tefe.

Does this simply mean the actual species hasn't been categorised yet but this apistogramma comes from that area? If so, I'd have thought such a term under the sp. usage could literally be used to describe numerous different types of apistogramma.

And I've no idea what the cf. one is for.
