Hi, my first post, I'm very new to Discus.

Here's my story. I was browsing e-bay fish section, when I noticed Discus fish for sale in my area. Though I knew I could not afford so many nice fish I wanted to document my dream of owning them by making a small bid just to put my name on the bid list.

Well, turns out the guy selling them remembered me (I bought a tank from him a while back) and agreed to sell them to me for far less than his asking price if I would come get them right away. (He's turning his tank salt, go figure)

So, without research or adequate tank prep, I went and got the fish.

Here's what I got: 4 1/2- 5 1/2in. nhamunda brown discus, second is a beautiful 3-4" blue discus, third and fourth are what he believed to be red dragons, but I'm not sure, and last of the discus is a beautifully marked pigeon blood, plus assorted other fish including two german blue rams, 1 blue apistogramma, 1 skunk cory cat, an albino bristle nose pleco, and last but not least a hammers cobalt blue lobster.

I can't be sure his knowledge of the care and keeping of discus was any better than my own. He mentioned loosing 2-3 discus during his endeavors, and when I asked about pH, he tested his water and showed me it was at 7.8.

I divided the occupants of my 55gal to other tanks and spent hours acclimating my new fish to my well established tank. My pH was 7.8, though I know that's too high for discus it wasn't anything different than what they had. I added peat to my filter which has dropped the pH to 7.0.

They all seem a bit stressed, hiding behind plants etc., but the one I was told was a pigonblood is really bad off. At first I noticed one pectoral fin clamped to his body. The next morning noticed small white fluffs on that fin and that side of his body. Know the spot on his body is more like an area.

I did two 20% water changes the first day I noticed something amiss and another every day since.

I have come to like these fish very much already. I need to know general care for them all and urgent care for the pigeon blood.
