Hi.. i have kept fish for years.. i currently have bettas, convicts, and kribensis.. all breeding.. anyways, i will be going to Seattle for a few days this week and wont have to pay duty on anything, and i have found that tanks can be cheaper in the states than ive seen here..

im most likely going to be bringing back a 'big' tank.. compared to my biggest of 6 tanks now, a 20g..

anyways, ive liked discus for a long time, and have been reading up things about them.. and now that i should be bringing home a tank big enough for them, i will eventally probably be getting some..

just wondering about tankmates.. a friend has some in a 70g tank with about 20 cardinals schooling, and 2 kribensis..

ive also seen them in stores with rainbows, and other small schooling fish..

just wondering what types of fish i could keep with them?

and is there anything i should know before getting any that i might not already know?

thanks in advance ! 8)