Hi All
for a long time now i have been wanting to investigate the REAL importance of lights for discus breeding.
in real life in the amazon, i guess there is a lot of natural light from strong to subdued below trees and branches and the like.
in an artificial set up, like our tanks i wonder how important light is.
we talk a lot about water quality but little about light.
the Q is of course....does the amount of light and the energy of given light sources play a role (and if yes, how much) in the breeding of our precious friends.
some breeders say discus should be exposed to direct sunlight for 1 hour a day or so. i have tried this but mine find that disturbing and want to hide......besides they will not get the benefit as the sun rays are effected by glass, not so in their natural habitat.

So i like to open this discussion up by asking every-one to tell me their experiences. I myself am running cheap home made lights and am interested in what every is doing to compare success rates in breeding.

Good lights are not cheap....so is our money better spend on good quality fish or lights ....or both?????

should be a great topic.....thanks....Jim