Hi All,

I hope i am posting in the right place ....

I did a 50% water change this morning on my 48x20x14 tank, then tested the water two hours later ... here are the results

KH = 3
GH = 8

Tetra test between 5 and 6
Red Sea test 6.2
Sera test between 5.5 and 6

Tetra Test <0.3 mg/l
Red Sea Test Between 0 an d 0.05 ppm

Sera Test at 40 mg/l

Tetra Test at 1.3 mg/l
Red Sea Test at 0.5 ppm

as you can see i tried several test to verify results, the tank seems ok and the fish seem happy but i am really worried about the results especialy just after a huge water change, any ideas help or hints would be great !!!

also how do you convert between ppm and mg/l for comparison purposes ?

I run an eheim 2217 and 2213 on the tank no chemical media, just rings, substrat pro, coarse and fine filters, i also have an air pump and UV on it.

PLEASE HELP, i am really worried
