Heres the deal. I'm designing a sponge filter set up for a my 125 and I need a bit of advice. I dont know what size sponge pore to use. I like the real open stuff that they make the Aqua Clear sponges out of. But I also like the more closed cells like they use on the big cylinder sponge filters. The large open pore wont support as much bacteria but will let more water flow over the sponge itself and wouldnt need to be cleaned as often. The more closed cell will house more bacteria but will clog faster and require more frequent rinses. These sponges will have a sponge on each end..90'd to a pipe in the center that will run almost to the surface of tha tank where a power head will drive them. So there will be a sponge about every 12 inches or so..Ihavent worked out the exact math on it yet.