Hello again!

ok, so Ive got the planted tank going well... plants growing out of my... ... AQUARIUM!...

lol, so... I have got a bit of nasty GREEN SLIME going on... and Ive tried the whole 3 day blackout thing... it worked for a week.. then it was back again!..

I just cant get rid of it.... what can I do to get rid of this nasty algae..

here is the water quality:

pH - 6.6
Nitrates - 0ppm
Nitrites - 0ppm
Ammonia - 0ppm
ALK - unknown

also, I have added this stuff called algae fix, and its made the water a bit cloudy... its been cloudy for a week now... and Ive only used it once!

I have got some BIOZYME that Ive put in it for 2 days.. it hasnt helped so far!

Please help me with this problem... I want a beautiful crystal clear planted tank... right now I dont have one.. and Im upset...

Im going to do a good 50% waterchange today to try and get rid the water looking a bit better!


Ive got two 65watt half 6500K and half 10,000K bulbs on the tank... I am thinking this is too much?

thanks for the help!