hey guys i need some help.
this is my first post and unfortunately its not a good one.
i have had 4 discus, 3 blue turquoise and a hybrid blue turq / golden sunrise, ive lost 2 blues and am in the process of losing my lovely little hybrid, Speks. all three fish have had the same symptoms - sudden loss of balance, sudden irratic swimming, sometimes in tight circles, (often causing them to injure themselves on the driftwood/tank walls) and loss of appetite. they seem to become disoriented afterwards, then they swim around normally for a while before hiding and breathing heavily. This happens periodically (about every half hour). i have treated for intestinal worms and flukes with no success. water temp is around 30 degrees, no ammonia, pH 6-7, nitrites tested ok. As yet no-one can indicate what is wrong or treatment for it. Can anyone help???????