Someone I know takes the young away from the parents and handrears them. He has a wonderful sucess rate using (I've forgotton the name) a kind of bacteria. Heres what he does, takes half a cabbage and bruises the leafs puts in a bucket and pours boiling water over the leaves. Then he puts the bucket outside and waits. Firstly it will go all slimy and smell horrid, stir it every day, eventually the water will go clear and nice smelling. It is now ready to harvest, some kind of bacteria are in the water which are suitable to feed to tiny fry. he just takes some water and adds to the fry tank twice a day. Thats all there is to it. Because these bacteria live in fresh water they dont die when added to the fry tank and so dont fowl the water, meaning the fry have food avaliable all the time. After ten days they go on to normal food. He floats the fry in the parents water in containers with tiny hole in, so the water is being refreshed all the time. Hey the way I figure it is worth a go. I maybe lose 1 in three lots of fry due to parents eating them.