It all started last friday (22nd). I was feeding my fish getting them ready to go away for the long weekend as i was going away for 4 days. As i was feeding them something spooked my female Blue diamond. She went skitz and she rammed in the cannister filter intake and got a deep cut. I had to go in 5-10 mins so i quickly looked at her she looked alright a little spooked she was just on the ground upright next to the sponge filter. I told mum to just put some melafix in each day and keep an eye on her.
She was doing fine. But all she done was sat in the corner (next to the sponge filter) and came out very ocasionally. There is no signs of fungus on her wound or anything and all seemed fine. But today while i was in the fishroom she started going around in circle slowly going on her side laying on the bottom of the tank like she was really drunk. She only done this for about a minute then went back to her corner.
The water level was down because i siphoned the gunk out of the bottom so she didnt get infected because she was on the ground a fair bit. And they hadnt had a water change for about a week. So i thought i would just top it up a little. As i was putting the first jug of water in she went mental she was spining in circles going all around the tank hitting the class. She then stopped was on the bottom flat in a corner at the front for about 20-30seconds then she swam back over to her corner. She is looking thin. Although she is eating a little each day.

My tanks details are

Size: Standard 4ft
pH: 6.3-6.4
Ammonia :0
Nitrite: 0
Temp: 28c
Filtration: Cannister filter (not exactly sure which one but can check if need be) and a sponge filter.

What does everyone suggest i should do? I thought that she would be over the shock by now. Do you she sick in anyway? there are no physical signs of illness. Also how long do i keep up the melafix? The wound has healed but not fully yet. Do i keep up normal water changes? even if she goes mental like that?
I have tried to give as much detail as i could thats why it is so long. If there is anything else you would like to know ask me and i will do the best i can to tell you.

Thanks everyone, I dont want to loose her