I have a 3ft tank (3x14x18) and currently it has 3 discus (2x8-9cm and 1x7-8cm) 2 Albino cory's and 2 bristle nose catfish. It is a mediaum planted tank (see photo's). Well my question is do you think i could fit another young discus in?? I wanted to get one today because i had the chance for a great price on a sunrise. Its one of the best sunrise ive seen, its 6cm and he was going to give it to me for $30. I was wondering if you think i could fit it in with the others till i get my tank up and running?
I know they say 10gal per adult discus so in my tank i should be able to keep 4 but that is minus the gravel plants and smaller fish etc. I am currently waiting on a stand for 3 teir 4ftr. But i dont know how long it will be, do you think i could fit another in there for say a month maximum??

I know its hard to say, and when i asked my local discus importer (OAFI) today he told me it would be fine. I just dont want to stunt them. The water quality wont be a problem as iam now doing 20% water changes everyday.

Any suggestions??

I really want this fish as ive been looking for a nice one and this is the best i have seen anywhere. And its only $30!!
But i dont want to get it, if its not going to grow to its full potential.
