Effective as of today, 13th, December 2013, DiscusForums.com is now under new management.

Almost 10 years ago we kicked off things here, with the view to provide and excellent resource for hobbyists around the world who enjoy the challenges of keeping fish, especially Discus, IMO the King of the Aquarium.

Over the years there have been some changes, people have come and gone, there have been highs, and lows, and overall it has been a pleasure to keep this resource online for people to share.

Due to time restraints, and not enough hours in the day, sadly a lot of the housekeeping, updating things has fallen by the wayside, and with this in mind we wanted the website to stay online, and hopefully grow into what it was some years ago, at the same time discussions behind the scenes were taking place, and we are happy to say the new owner/admin has a lot in store for this, and other aquarium related forums they operate.

I will allow them to introduce themselves, they will be taking over the "Admin" username (which they may change).

To all those I have met, it has been an honour, and to those I have had regular contact with online, thank you…

Onwards and Upwards.
