Hi Guys

Just thought id share a few pics of some of my catfish i have in with my new discus. I have approx 70 corys in my 7x2x2 somewhere !

Some of my peppermints (have just begun to breed this year )
Have had all 13 of these guys from 3cm juvies !

My albino longfin pair (these guys are breeding now)

Red Whiptails ( some contention over here if they are L10a `s still )
These guys have bred for the first time a few weeks ago but need to seperate then to keep some fry !

Royal Whiptails ( consistantly breeding but am having no luck keeping the fry alive for more than 3-4 weeks ! )

L 201 Hypancistrus inspector
I have 2 of these that ive been growing for over a year now and never see them I think they may be getting sold soon to purchase some discus

I think ill start a new thread on my coryies
