Hi Everyone,

I'm Morpho from Finland.
I dont write english very well.

I have started for tropical fish keeping over 30 years previously.
I have 1100L ( 290.6 US gallons) discus show tank and some quarantine or breed tanks.

I own only Wild discus, I have seven Tefe's Red Spotted Green discus, six execellent Nhamuda Blue discus and five Heckel discus too.

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1100L ( 290.6 US gallons) discus show tank :
230 centimeters = 7.56 feet long and 80 centimeters = 2.6 feet high

Lightning, 3x150W metal halide lamp.

Filteration, Eheim Classic 2260 2400 l/h
Size 355x570mm 18L, 65 W



Waiting fishes

All ready

Wild Red Spotted Green