We are requesting feedback as to what you would want in regards to a fully functional online auction facility that is usable by residents of any country.

This is for a project which is nearing completion.

Some features that we are considering which will potentially make it stand above the rest.

* AutoBid set (you nominate the highest price you wish to go to and it will bid the minimum amount possible to ensure you have the highest bid, until such time as your limit has been reached)

* Payment options in the currency you require, i.e. for Australian listings, everything will be in AUD$

* Several different payment gateways (PayPal, PayMate, Direct, Ikobo, etc)

* Wanted to buy section

* Item swap

* Listings in multiple categories

* Seller & Buyer Feedback

* Buy-it-now option

* Customizable user stores

* Ability to load multiple images

* Advanced Shipping/Postage system

* Currency Converter (currently have one on trial http://www.bettaforums.com/ at the bottom of the page)

* Secure Gateway for registration (SSL encrypted)

...plus loads more.

So what do you think???

If you have any suggestions, or ideas that would make it more appealing, please let us know.