R/O - Reverse Osmosis.
W/C - Water change.
De-chlor - Dechlorinator or tap conditioner.
TDS - Total Disolved Solids.
HOB - hang on Back, (filter)
LFS - Local fish store
QT - Quarantine.
AC - Aqua clear - filter Brand
IPF - Internal Power Filter
FBF - Fluid bed Filter
UGF - Undergravel Filter
BS - Brine Shrimp
BBS - Baby Brine Shrimp
B/H - Beef Heart.
BW - Black worms/Blood worms.
Discus Strains.
BD - Blue Diamond
RT- Red Turquoise
BT- Blue Turquoise
PB - Pigeon Blood
GP - Golden Pigeon
SS _ Snakeskin
RM - Red Melons
MM - Mellenium Mellon
RP - Red Passiom
MP - Manderin Passion
MG - Mellenium Golden
VR - Violet Refelection
RD - Reflection Deep
SSS - Scorpion Snakeskin
LSS - Leopard Snakeskin
GLSS - Golden Leopard Snakekin
Turq - Turquoise
R.S.G - Red Spotted Green.
SE - Spotted Eruptions
FR - Fire Ruby
FOTF - Flame of the Forest
X - cross
Probably many more but most you can work out by the context its posted in.
Metro - Metronidazole
Prazi - Praziquantel
HITH - Hole in the Head (desease)
PP - Potassium Permangante.
Hex - Heximta
Gerneral Talk.
IME - In my experience
IMHO - In my honest/humble opion
IMO - In my opinion
LOL - Laughing out loud.
HTH - Hope this/that helps.
IIRC - if I remember Correctly
TIA - Thanks in Advance
LPH - Litres Per Hour
LPM - Litres Per Minute
GPH - Gallons per hour
GPM - Gallons per minute
SLS - Slippery little suckers
AOA - Age Of Aquariums.
G & S - G&S Aquarium
ALA - Aquatic Life Aquarium
XA - Xtreme Aquariums
ABF - Australian Betta Forum
AFF - AusFishForums (Http://
F4U - Fish4u (