Here is a list of fish in a well planted tank and i have co2 that i want to start injecting but people say that if you got a fair few plants at night it will releases co2 when the lights are off.

1 Large altum angel/ maybe fake one but still my baby
4 clown loachs small 5-6cm long
3 Congo Tetras (Large) 8cm long
1 Pearl Gourmai 6-7 cm long
1 Pleco 9cm long
1 Pictus Catfish Huge 14cm (keeps to himself under a log)
5 Black Widows 4cm long
3 Black Neons
5 New Red Turks Discus

My question i ask is at night do i need to add a air stone i never had in the past when i was injecting co2 at night time when the lights are off ?
What do you others do at night time when the lights are off add air or just leave it be?

Thanks guys..

PS: The only reason i ask is that dicus like lots of airation and just don't want to wake up to floating discus.
