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  1. #1
    Just an Egg
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Castle Hill, NSW

    Another worming question

    I have been reluctant to re worm my discus after my last episode so thought i better get some advice b4 i do.

    I purchased tablets from a sponsor but can't remember what it was called right now. The dose was 14tabs in approx 280l tank. I put the tabs in one of those morsel grinder things and thought i had grinded the tabs down to a dust. Well i then added this to a bucket of water and waited and waited and waited..... The stuff just does not seem soluble. Anyway i thought just follow the instructions as given and drop it in. I was horrified at what i saw. It was an alaskan blizzard, and being bare bottom a nice looking blanket of white soon covered the entire floor too. I noticed some fish while eating were ingesting large amounts of this stuff. Ok, so after about 24hrs my healthy looking beautiful blue turk is black, clamped and not very happy. So i do a 50% water change immediately and he starts to look a bit better. Another 50% over each of the next few days and he has recovered to normal. He looked so bad i really thought i was going to loose him.

    Ok, so now I know i have not wormed these guys properly and am worried about attempting it again.

    I noticed a thread where someone puts their grinded tablets in to a stocking and dumps that in a sump. I have a wet n dry Aqua one filter and could certainly do this.

    How do other people dissolve their tabs in water? The medicine i was using had not disolved at all after a few days. Even the poweder just floated on the surface of the tank and the large pieces sunk to the bottom.

    I really want to give these guys a trouble free worming again, as i do feed them live blood worms.

    Please help. Any advice appreciated, thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Moderator Ben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    I have found it works well by grinding the tablets in a mortar and pestle (morsel grinder things)

    Then add a few drops of warm water and grind further till a smooth white paste.

    Different meds are more soluble than others and i have noticed that prazi makes it look like as you described a snow blizzard in your tank!

    If you are using prazi to treat for worms it will only treat tape worms but not other intestinal worms.



  3. #3
    Just an Egg
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Castle Hill, NSW
    Thanks Ben,

    I will try your method. I never was that great in the kitchen lol. Any thoughts on the bad reaction my turq had. Could it have been he just swollowed a good lump of the stuff and got an over-dose. I am bit scared of the impact it may have on him.
    With regards the other intestinal worms, i am just trying to start some regular maintenance and care as i said i do feed them live blood worms. Is there a better all purpose worming med that i should consider. Again, thanks for your help Ben.

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