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View Full Version : Not a DYI, but I need help..

Mon Sep 13, 2004, 01:15 AM
I got a 180 gal tank at the beginning of the summer. It is not set up yet, but it came with all kinds of things, parts filter stuff and stuff I am not even sure what it is for or what it goes to. It was all in boxes...
So, with it, I know I have a Magnum 350 canister....but it is in parts. I have no clue, even though I am trying to figure out how it all assembled together. I think I maybe missing a cover that the filter media sits into...
So any help, pictures ect, would be most appreciative if anyone can help.

Also, it I a wet/dry? or just dry? I am not eally sure which or what. Its has this huge pump with a pipe comimg out of it, simaliar to an intake tube, as well as this huge plastic rectangle box made upp of three separate compartments with filter media in them and then 2 additonal ones that are similiar...I have lost of tubing, filter media, and gos knows what else...so again, any help in how it all goes to gether and works would be great.

Mon Sep 13, 2004, 01:18 AM
Annie, Sorry too be the bringer of bad news but the magnum brand isnt out in Australia or at least it isnt popular.

You'll have to wait for another U.S member to help out, acutally i think i remember Ro ordering one from the states. Cant remember if it was a magnum or the marathon.

Anyway someone will be able to help eventually.

Mon Sep 13, 2004, 05:35 AM
If you could send a pic of the parts you have, it might be easier to help you solving the puzzle.

Mon Sep 13, 2004, 05:40 AM
I will do that when I get my digi stuff unpacked and installed...we moved a few months ago, and not all is unpacked as of yet.. :(