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Mon Nov 27, 2006, 04:11 AM
hi all, firstly not quite sure which section this falls in?

One of my discs, the first one i ever bought after being recluse for a while has come back out and is full of life! - very relieved

Saw something quite perculiar yesterday!

He / she (known as Del) was "kissing" the side of the tank right in the corner on the silicone. I say kissing as when del did this you could see the mouth suck right in and then let go and you could actually hear a click/pop noise. Similar to the sound a clown loach can produce!

del hung in the corner for about half an hour and did it a dozen times.

Question is has anyone seen this - firstly i though she was "cleaning" in order to breed, but i don't think so as all the "rules" of breeding i have read on this forum i don't follow, as i have a community tank so its not set up for breeding disc, or breeding it general, temp not 30 or anything and becos i suffer from the MTS syndrom i have already used up every spare spot in my house so a baby tank just won't fit.

Also if there was breeding about to start you would see a pair start to develop, yes? - and del is a bit of a loner so i am wondering what it is all about.

Or is she just faking it! Lol

Mon Nov 27, 2006, 04:16 AM
I think Del is definately a female, and the behaviour you are seeing is very normal for a female full of eggs, looking for somewhere to lay them.

Females will often exhibit this behaviour, with or without a male present. Don't be surprised if you see some eggs in the tank shortly. Of course, they won't be fertile unless she has paired up with a mate.

Mon Nov 27, 2006, 04:20 AM

i thougth that you would have to have all the right water params etc -

Mon Nov 27, 2006, 04:24 AM
Well that certainly helps, but a determined fish can break all the rules.

Then again, when you want to breed them, and provide all the right things, they can decide they don't want to breed.

Ahhhh the joys and frustrations of discus :P

Mon Nov 27, 2006, 04:26 AM
What a lovely name for a fish Gro!


Mon Nov 27, 2006, 06:11 AM
What a lovely name for a fish Gro!



time to get a proven male i say!!!!!! and get rid of the other fish hehehehe

Mon Nov 27, 2006, 06:26 AM
have been trying to vacate the others...but there quick and the more i muck around in there the more my disc go timid....hoping nature will take its course on some as i have had them for years.....