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uh oh discus
Sat Nov 18, 2006, 02:13 AM
my discus started to act weird in the past two days. after i bought a new can of dried blood worms it doesnt seem to eat anymore. it would just come to the surface and look at it/ bite and spit the worm back out. :( the new can is the same brand as the last can. i do a 45% water change weekly and its the only discus in the 20 gal tank with a few other fish. there is no nitrate or nitrite or ammonia. i added a teaspoon of salt to encourage appetite. but please help if you know what is wrong with my fish.

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 03:03 AM
Could be that the fish is "wasting"

This is fatal so best to take action immediantly. I recommend buying live or frozen bloodworms or even brineshrimp and try feeding that.

Or it could be that the fish is simply bored of its current diet. Try feeding 2 types of frozen food, one good quality flake and a good quality pellet.


Sam :wink:

uh oh discus
Sat Nov 18, 2006, 03:59 AM
i tried prepared turkey heart and the spinach mixed with plankton and it doenst like both of those food. may be i wil try brine shrimp. but brine shrimp doesnht have much nutrition values tho rite?

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 05:24 AM
Sorry but:

Turkey heart?

Never heard of it!

spinach mixed with plankton


Brineshrimp is actually full of nutritional value. I believe it would be a hell of alot more healthier then the foods your discus is currently being fed.

Can i ask whther you make the foods yourself? And do you buy the cheap freeze-dried food?

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 05:41 AM
if you have only a few discus, i would recommend buying some frozen bloodworm and some beefheart/discus dinner , if you're in Australia you may want to get a can of breeders blend flakes. alternate between the three and you shouldn't have problems. don't buy freeze dried most discus take time to start eating it.

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 05:43 AM
Turkey heart is an excellent substitute for beef heart. High in protein and no fat.

Try feeding live brine shrimp first. Very few fish can ignore food wriggling right under their nose. Once the fish is eating again, then introduce some of the other prepared foods.

Feeding just one type of dry food is not such a good idea. A mixture of good quality foods is better.

uh oh discus
Sat Nov 18, 2006, 05:58 AM
nope those turkey heart and spinach mix are made by a brand name company in the US. but yea my discus doesnt like either of those. i should alternate the diet a bit. i've been always feeding it dried freeze worms and it likes it a lot.

Mon Nov 20, 2006, 09:26 AM
Any update?

uh oh discus
Wed Nov 22, 2006, 03:44 AM
i fed it frozen brine shrimp and it still doesnt seem interested and not eating...... may be it is because i rearranged the tank a bit. any ideas? it used to eat like a monster!