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Thu Nov 16, 2006, 01:45 AM
Does anyone know where i can buy a digital ph monitor that continously monitors the ph. Similar to a digital thermometer except that it monitors ph instead

scott bowler
Thu Nov 16, 2006, 06:53 AM
try ebay there may be some on there

Thu Nov 16, 2006, 02:40 PM
Just be aware that you have to re-cal it every few weeks. Might as well buy some re-cal solutions too at the same time.

Fri Nov 17, 2006, 12:07 AM
You can buy them from Dick Smith and I think the same ones are on ebay and they are definitely cheaper. I hardly ever recalibrate mine and it stays relatively accurate but they come with some solution anyway.

The only annoying thing is when I snap the lid back on mine, it sometimes turns itself back on and the battery is dead next time i go to use it. And it uses those crap little disc batteries too

Fri Nov 17, 2006, 02:37 AM
robdog, isnt it on all the time?

Fri Nov 17, 2006, 05:01 AM
I think we're talking about two different things here.

Endless, I have one that sits in the tank permanently, and plugs into the mains power. Gives a constant pH reading.

I think Rob is talking about a pH pen that you dip into the tank water each time you want a reading. They run on battery power, and work beautifully for most aquariums.

The reason I have the permanent probe in the tank, (apart from the fact that it was a gift) is that particular tank houses my wild caught betta macrostoma, and the ph is 4.8. A pH that low needs constant monitoring.

Fri Nov 17, 2006, 07:40 AM
Hi All,

We have several Digital Ph Testers available. Here is a link,


Ben :D

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 01:30 AM
I think Rob is talking about a pH pen...

Correct. I didn't even think about if you meant the ph monitor even though it says it right there in the first line of the post.

If I had the cash I'd get the constant monitor but I also have 6 little breeding cubes so the pen works well.

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 04:05 AM
hey ben, does the ph-998 monitor continously? or is it like a ph pen.

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 04:29 AM
It works 24/7.

Ben :D

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 05:52 AM
Endless, that's the one I've got.

Works like a charm.

Tue Nov 21, 2006, 05:40 AM
just put my order through. thanks for your help guys although i dont know how i ended up spending $300 again :?