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View Full Version : WTB Good Brine Shrimp

jim from sydney
Wed Nov 15, 2006, 04:31 AM
a difficult one........most claim 90% hatching rate......claim is one thing proving another........has anyone had a good supplier????

Wed Nov 15, 2006, 05:56 AM
I got a small amount from aquahobby. It's taken me a few attempts to get constantly good hatch rates, so it wasn't the fault of the eggs.

How are you hatching them?

jim from sydney
Thu Nov 16, 2006, 01:53 AM
Hi Pal

i have tried eggs from a variety of sources

i have no idea as to how they measure the success rate as it is very difficult to measure the outcomes.

claims made by suppliers is guess work to some extend.

i would be very interested to find out from forum members how they measure success rates in hatching.

i hatch twice a day, in 500ml of water at the time. 1/4 of a teaspoon of eggs is enough to feed the young angels i have at the moment.

it suits me that way.

they are growing well but am un-sure about the rate of hatched eggs.

as long as they are growing, i guess it works.


Thu Nov 16, 2006, 02:50 AM

For me a good hatch rate = lots of bbs and not much eggs when I siphon them off. I strain them in a white paper coffee filter and there is usually a mass of orange naupli. Probably almost the same volume of cysts I orginally added.

I use 2 teaspoons of salt and a pinch of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in 1 litre of water. I leave this at about 25 degrees and is ready roughly 24hrs later. I usually hatch between half to 1 teaspoon cysts, which lasts anywhere from 3-4 feedings depending on number and size of fry.

jim from sydney
Thu Nov 16, 2006, 06:21 AM
I do exactly the same......except 2 times halve liter twice a day.....are we brothers????


Thu Nov 16, 2006, 06:25 AM

Wether they hatch or not there will be no wastage as fish will eat both.

Thu Nov 16, 2006, 06:41 AM
Jim, you have angel fry ?????????????????????????

Pictures please :P

jim from sydney
Thu Nov 16, 2006, 08:00 AM
1 day old and saying "hello"

Thu Nov 16, 2006, 09:43 AM
Hiya Jim,

Great pic mate, very cool. Good luck with the spawn :D


Dee :D

Thu Nov 16, 2006, 12:16 PM
Cute little aliens aren't they.

Congratulations Jim. I'm so very pleased for you.

Next step, discus babies :wink:

jim from sydney
Sun Nov 19, 2006, 03:26 AM
finally some babies... :wave2 ..after far toooooo much caring almost had to give my full time job away........mother Snake skin...dad... golden pigeon.....small amount of fry 18 survived.......this little one at 25 days...real size about 5mm. and growing..... :lol:

Sun Nov 19, 2006, 04:35 AM
Well done Jim!

Sun Nov 19, 2006, 06:10 AM
That's fantastic news Jim. :thumb :wave2 :blob :blob2

With all the care you have lavished on those gorgeous fish, you deserve to succeed. :P

Sun Nov 19, 2006, 06:16 AM
I agree with Merrilyn Jim!

If anyone deserves fry its you mate.

Keep up the great work.


jim from sydney
Sun Nov 19, 2006, 07:12 AM
Thanks guys..................never say die...............

Mon Dec 04, 2006, 02:38 AM
Congrats Jim :wave2 :wave2
You've given me hope again!!!!!
I too have had quiet a few spawns and seem to get to 1-2 weeks and then hit a brick wall, but as you say- 'never say die'!!
I am currently trying to artificially rear 7 albino turquoise fry - mum decided they tasted too good!! I guess it's worth a long shot. They're on day 2 of egg yolk -so far so good (fingers crossed). I've had to smuggle them in to work to be able to feed every 2 hours - the things we do!!
Wish me luck - I just hope that like you I will eventually get there!!
Great to hear your good news!!! :D :D :D

jim from sydney
Tue Dec 05, 2006, 01:31 AM

Good news Bud. Keep up the good work. I know how bloody well fustrating it is sometimes, and often i am close to giving up, only to look at them closely and the to realise what a real challenge it is and.......yes we try again.

I've had to smuggle them in to work to be able to feed every 2 hours - the things we do!! ..... this must be the greatest of great work. worth a gold medal for initiative alone

Best of luck keep updating please


Tue Dec 05, 2006, 01:47 AM
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the words of encouragement - much appreciated :D
So far so good - they are still alive and on day 2 of egg yolk - just hope I don't get caught out by the boss, it will be hard trying to explain my way out of that one!! :shock:
Will keep you posted.

jim from sydney
Tue Dec 12, 2006, 08:18 AM

How is the "nursing" going Buddy?????

Tue Dec 12, 2006, 09:57 PM
Hi Jim,
The first few died - lasted 3 days only. :cry: :cry:
I have had another few from another batch and this time used rotifers instead of egg yolk, and they lasted 4 days :cry:
Unfortunately trying to artificially rear them is hard and losses are expected to be high - but I would rather at least try than letting them die for sure - it is at least worth a long shot!
None the less I will keep persisting- somewhere along the line things have to go right - 'never say die'!!!!
You've given me hope that things can work out if you just hang in there! :wink:

jim from sydney
Wed Dec 13, 2006, 12:19 AM

sorry to hear that Buddy. I have tried the same in the past...extremely difficult.

my water here must be awful....i had it tested many times and no problem....however spawning?????no sir.....will try something different over the holidays.....it can be fustrating .....but never say die....remember???/


Wed Dec 13, 2006, 03:58 AM
Jim did you ever try dropping the pH down to 6 or under. It just may help.

Short of that, the only thing I can suggest is an RO system. Bit extravagant in these days of water restrictions, but maybe if you just had enough for the breeding tank ??

Wed Dec 13, 2006, 06:05 AM
Jim, I just heard a whisper that there will soon be a new range of fantastic brine shrimp and accessories that will available from one of sponsors here. Better than anything we've seen here before :P

Keep watching this space. :wink:

Wed Dec 13, 2006, 06:26 AM
Any more informations on these new stuffs? Like external links, etc.


jim from sydney
Wed Dec 13, 2006, 10:08 AM
Jim did you ever try dropping the pH down to 6 or under. It just may help.

Short of that, the only thing I can suggest is an RO system. Bit extravagant in these days of water restrictions, but maybe if you just had enough for the breeding tank ??


thanks for that

i want to try 2 things, better not too many at once.
1. agreed drop the ph to 6, i had a similar thought.
2. introduce some black water , by boiling some peat, siphon the water off and introduce a bit to the next few w/c.

try for a week and see....how does that sound for starters.

funny though, my snake skin girl has eggs every 6 days in the comm. tank, but no male is interested.


jim from sydney
Wed Dec 13, 2006, 10:15 AM
Jim, I just heard a whisper that there will soon be a new range of fantastic brine shrimp and accessories that will available from one of sponsors here. Better than anything we've seen here before :P

Keep watching this space. :wink:


we badly need some good suppliers in Sydney....some we can feel confident with....and some that dont get hobbies and business confused.

look forward to some welcome additions.


Wed Dec 13, 2006, 10:19 AM
some we can feel confident with....and some that dont get hobbies and business confused.

look forward to some welcome additions.


am I reading into this the wrong way... maybe that whisper may need to stay a whisper.... lol
