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Mon Nov 13, 2006, 11:05 AM
Hello Everyone,

Im in newcastle - NSW and new to discus fish. I just got a breeding pair and i can see worms in the tank(sorry pic did not work). They are white and about 1-2mm long. I have never had worms in any of my tanks before. Whats the best way for treatment???

Many thanx in advance.


Mon Nov 13, 2006, 11:08 AM
TAMMA, Are these stuck to the glass? In the gravel? On the discus?

If they are on the glass, are you sure there worms and not just dead/white algae?

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 11:11 AM
Thanx for the quick reply, yeah there is a couple of white spots on the glass but the "Worms" im talking about are moving on the glass bottom and on my breeding cone...

Plz help! :(

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 11:24 AM
Do you have any snails in the tank?

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 11:27 AM
i think its planaria. are you overfeeding ??? either way its nothing to worry about, remove food thats left over and do a water change/ clean and they will be gone

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 11:34 AM
no snails,

but yeah, may be giving them a bit too much. just wanted them to start eating ok when they moved in on the weekend. Will try a clean out and water change first.

This may sound stupid but what is 'planaria'.

Thanx for your help.


Mon Nov 13, 2006, 12:02 PM
no snails,

Maybe not yet but if they are not planaria like Samir has suggested then you may have some baby snails on your hands. Have you put in any new plants lately?

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 12:11 PM
no plants, all cleaned out a couple of weeks ago to give breeding a go.

can get pic on my phone of (Worms) or what ever they are but here are the parents to be. Not sure what type they are as im new to this. any ideas?

Sorry about the quality its on my phone.

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 12:13 PM
sorry cant get pic or (worms) - too small,

heres another

scott bowler
Mon Nov 13, 2006, 12:28 PM
hi g_tamma they are cobalt s or what i would call a colalt good luck with the breeding hope it gose well and dont think you have to worry about the worms that were on the glass all the bestwith it

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 12:30 PM
thanx for the identification and support,


scott bowler
Mon Nov 13, 2006, 12:44 PM
sorry that was a typ o it is cobalt and thats ok i do hoppe it gose well and on this site every one will allways help if there is any probs thats why its the best

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 12:45 PM
Planaria are simply a small white worm that lives in aquariums. We seem to get them in the water supply. They are fairly harmless, and some fish (guppies) like to eat them.

They are more a symptom, than a real problem, if you know what I mean.

A symptom of overfeeding.

Give your tank a good clean down, using a handful of filter floss as a scrubber, and remove any algae or stuff growing on the glass sides and bottom, and the cone. Then do a couple of big water changes to remove the gunk.

Everything in a breeding tank should be as sterile as possible, or you will lose eggs to fungus.

Good luck with your breeding plans. That's a very pretty pair of cobalts you have there.

Ohhh and a very warm welcome to the forum :P

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 12:49 PM
Wow, you guys/gals are awsome, how quickly you respond.
Thanks for all you tips and help. Im less stressed now.

Will keep you updated if i can get them to breed and so on.

Cheers to all.