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View Full Version : eggs wont stick

Sun Nov 12, 2006, 11:48 PM
hi all

can you please give me some help over the last week i started to breed a pair of 7" blues ,

my prob is every time they lay eggs on the glass or cone the eggs just fall to the bottom of the tank (wont stick)this has happened 3 times over the last week do you know why this is ?????

ph 6.8
gh 5.2
kh 2

20% water change every day using hma water sitting for 24hrs at same temp

thanks billy

Mon Nov 13, 2006, 05:09 PM

Tue Nov 14, 2006, 04:04 AM
That's a fairly unusual problem Billy. Don't think I've ever encountered it before. Certainly the occasional egg will roll off, especially if the parents are a bit too rough, but most of them stick.

I''d suggest grabbing a handful of filter wool, and using it as a scrubber to clean down the sides of the glass and the breeding cone. There may be a build up of slippery mulm on the surfaces, which is preventing the eggs from sticking.

Another possiblilty is that the female is still quite young, and not too experienced at laying eggs, so she may not be pressing the eggs onto the surface firmly enough in the first place. Time should take care of that problem, as she gains a bit more experience.

mistakes r crucial
Tue Nov 14, 2006, 07:37 AM
Throw 'em a tube of Super Glue mate! Sorry Billy, I just couldn't resist that one.

Tue Nov 14, 2006, 09:09 AM
can we see a picture of the fish ?
what are you feeding them ?
doesn't seem to be a water problem,
only thing i can think of would be something to do with nutritional deficiency, though I'd be guessing.

Tue Nov 14, 2006, 12:34 PM
thanks very much guys for your replys ( i little more info and photo of the pair )

all tanks are clean when the female lays eggs they fall strate away wont even stick to cone or grass, breeding tank size 24x18x18

i feed 3 of these foods a day

discus delights

beefheart with pro-more

Tetra prima


and beefheart with garlic

feed bloodworm once a week

i have 3 pairs and this is the only ones it is happing to

thanks very much for any help


Tue Nov 14, 2006, 01:00 PM
if they do stick for at least a little while, maybe put a tile in for them to spawn on supported by a suction cap and then reduce the angle of the tile or place it on the bottom of the tank.

P.S. that really is a fantastic pair. :thumb

Tue Nov 14, 2006, 01:05 PM
oops didn't read that they fall straight away. maybe the female is not pressing them into the spawning surface. how old are they ? did you get them as a breeding pair or did they pair off for you ?

scott bowler
Wed Nov 15, 2006, 03:49 AM
billy they are great looking fish and samir said she may not be pressing them to the surface any hope some one can help scott

discus lover01
Wed Jan 17, 2007, 04:51 AM
Hi i had a pair that this happened to and i rang and asked my vet who was very good with fish and he said that my fish were lacking a certain vitamin thats required when eggs are produces that helps them stick i started addding extra vitamins to there food by letting it semi defrost and using a kids multi vitamin mix would add few drops to each block i was going to feed the pair i canr remember which vitamin it was that was missing but after about 2 weeks of feeding the juiced up beefheart with added vitamins they had a spawn and the aggs stuck and they raised the batch to become some very nice fish.
But i dony remember what vitamin it was they were lacking now and cant find my notes from when i used to breed but this had me baffled.
But after this experiment worked i used to at least once a week feed my fish a feeed of the juiced up vitamin rich food.