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View Full Version : Moving some angels...

Wed Nov 08, 2006, 12:43 PM

I currently have 2 angels in with my dicus , they live in RO water and are starting to get a little bit to bog for their boots and picking on the discus, they have also taken a really dislike to my siamese fighter fish for some reason...

I want to move them to another tank I have, but it has tap water in it , not RO..... would you say Angel fish are resilient enough to cope with this change, or would I be better switching the other tank over to RO before moving them ?


Wed Nov 08, 2006, 02:05 PM
A gentle change is the way to go Ben. Change over your other tank to mostly RO water before you move the angels. Then by gradual small daily water changes using only tap water, your fish will become used to the tap water, without any problems.