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Mon Nov 06, 2006, 09:30 AM
Hi guys
Cracked open the piggy bank (life savings) and managed to buy myself a breeding pair that i brought home yesterday.
My largest fish spent last night and all of today (while i was at work) aggressively attacking the breeding pair. When i mean attack, he was nipping their tales and actually pulling scales off the fish by biting their sides.
They are extremely stressed atm and i have managed to remove the aggressor (thanks norm) from the tank and was wondering what i can do to help the fish recover?

Any light on the subject would be greatly appreciated


Sat Nov 11, 2006, 02:35 AM
Discus can be very aggressive. Especially when they think that other fish are invading their territory.

What are you plans for this breeding pair? Do you have a breeding tank set up for them. If so, now might be the right time to think about moving them to their own quarters. I don't think your large male is ever going to accept them in the existing tank.

You could try taking him out and isolating him in a tank of his own for a month or so, which will give the new pair time to settle in and become dominant in the tank. Then try the big male back in the tank. Hopefully they will have firmly claimed their territory, and he will now the be intruder.

Be aware, that some fish just never get on together. It all depends on the size of the tank, and how many other inhabitants.

Sat Nov 11, 2006, 07:02 AM
yep what she said LOL