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View Full Version : Discus and Water Flow

Wed Oct 25, 2006, 04:50 AM
Hi all,

I am changing my tank over to a discus tank and have a fair bit of flow and believe that this is no good for discuss.

My tank is a 48*18*20 75 gal with an eheim 2217 and a 1500l p/h power head running my diffusor.

I was thinking of ditching the spray bar and either:

A) Building a new spray back that sits about 6 inches below the water but runs completely around the sides and back of the aquarium - This will disperse the water more effectively

B) Run a PVC frame work down under the Substrate which could rise up at 4 or five points to distribute the water flow at different points around the tank (Hidden by wood, rocks, e.t.c) which would cause gentle currents around the substrate - If I planned this pretty well I could probably get it so that it gradually works any crud on the bottom back towards the filter inlet.

Any ideas, thoughts or comments?

Any thoughts on these two ideas.

Wed Oct 25, 2006, 01:11 PM
ut the spray bar close to the top of the tank, just under water, aiming the water up.

That way you will have a big gas exchange at the surface and less current.

Wed Oct 25, 2006, 09:08 PM
B) Run a PVC frame work down under the Substrate which could rise up at 4 or five points to distribute the water flow at different points around the tank (Hidden by wood, rocks, e.t.c) which would cause gentle currents around the substrate - If I planned this pretty well I could probably get it so that it gradually works any crud on the bottom back towards the filter inlet.

I like this idea. Would help prevent dead spots in the tank ....

ut the spray bar close to the top of the tank, just under water, aiming the water up.

That way you will have a big gas exchange at the surface and less current.

= Low circulation in the tank which creates dead spots ...

I would reccommend using the power head to create gas exchange. Connect the thingy that comes with them that has tubing leading above the water line. This creates alot of fine bubbles ...


Thu Oct 26, 2006, 04:30 AM
thanks for the reponses -

This is a planted tank so there can be no surface disruption. The plants provide oxygen during the day and I run air into my c02 diffusor at night so gas exchange isnt an issue.

Based on your comments I'm really leaning towards the PVC pipe Structuring majiga near the substrate with one small outlet higher up to keep the upper water column moving.