View Full Version : WTB Discus

Tue Oct 24, 2006, 11:30 AM
Don't know if I am aloud to ask this Question.

Lokking for discus juvies for under $20. I work at a fish shop in Mackay QLD and we are having trouble finding discus lately. One imported had some for 25 to 30 but not many. The fish shop would be looking at buying probably 20 to 50 juvies. Looking for some variety as well. Send message if you can help.

P.S if over that price still send info of price and Qty and we will see. But if its like $100 Probably wont be worth seelin retail in Mackay. lol. Will also be looking for displays adults of juvies that we get.

Cheers Paul.

P.P.S I don't own any portion of shop just said I would see if I could find some Discus for them

mistakes r crucial
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 08:51 PM
PM sent.