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View Full Version : Mean Discus

Mon Oct 23, 2006, 11:52 AM
I have cobalt discus and one of them is mean it keeps the other ones in hiding all the time. What should I do about this? It chases them, bites them it is one nasty little critter.

Thu Oct 26, 2006, 08:46 AM
How many discus do you have in the tank.

If you have a really agressive discus you have two options.

Move him to another tank or get more fish so that he cant pick on all of them.

I have seen a small group of fish ( under 4 have a similar effect to that you are saying ) but increase it to 6 or 8 and the problem goes away.

i know that both my answers may be hard to implement but unless you want to put a dividing wall in your tank then maybe sell the agressive one.


Thu Oct 26, 2006, 11:24 AM
I have 3 cobalt discus in the tank. I was thinking of getting more. I took them all out and reaquascaped the tank. I put a tunnel thing in there and he hides in there a lot. When he comes out though he is biting. So I will add more fish. Thanks again :D

Thu Oct 26, 2006, 12:04 PM
Hmmmm, adding more discus sometimes solves the problem, but I have found it can also make the problem even worse, I myself have found it becomes a bigger more expensive exercise, but thats' just been my experience. I have found the solution for me was to remove the aggressor, or aggressors and find the happy family group eventually. :?