View Full Version : A few questions about a new setup

Wed Oct 11, 2006, 11:41 AM
1) when I do a water change the level goes quickly below my intake surface skimmer (AquaOne Aquis2400) and the filter sucks air - should I just turn my filter off before beginning the water change so it doesn't get any air in it?

2) If it gets air in it will it reduce the flow rate? Rocking it from side to side seems to get rid of the air and increase output.

3) When I am doing water changes by bucket - I am using a 20L bucket and changing about 5 buckets - is it ok to add the PRIME and pH Minus by volume as the bucket is filling and then stir or does the bucket need to be full before adding the conditioners?

4) Can I add the stability after the new water has been added by mixing it into a jug of aquarium water and pouring it back into the tank?

5) Water changes are most critical to control nitrate buildup - I have been reading nitrate levels around 30-40 (not sure if it is ml/l??) but I read 5-10 in the tap water!! What is the best way to deal with this?

6) I have noticed something white and filmy, sort of wafting on the inside of the glass, it is not worms (planera??) but looks like white or clear algae... Not sure what could cause it or how to deal with it.

7) I want to move one of my fish from the 425L tank back to the smaller one - but I can't catch it!!! What is the best way to catch a fast swimming fish (it is getting picked on quite badly and I want to separate it). No matter what I try I can't get it in my net. Do I need two bigger nets or what - it is really hard with a 5' tank and two large braces at the top on each side of centre.

8) The snails in the LFS are very clean and look great - mine end up with green mossy stuff on their shells - is this normal? Why are the aquarium shop ones so pristine>?

Thanks to anyone who can help me with these no doubt common and simple questions.

I am reading widely and will find the answers in one form or another but I do like to put them in my personal circumstances and ask kind aquariasts to comment :)
