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View Full Version : A few pics, apisto, their home.....

Sun Oct 08, 2006, 10:54 AM
Just thought I'd post a few dodgy pics of my little apisto tank. Hope ya like em :D

Whole set up:


Female in her cave:


Mismatched pair, a 'wild type'??? aggi male and a double red aggi girl:


The gang:


Sun Oct 08, 2006, 01:27 PM
sweet setup you have there, chrisso, your fish look very healthy. what kind of cory is that in the last picture?

Sun Oct 08, 2006, 04:25 PM
very nice setup! Just 1 conern though, given the quantity of fishes you have in your tank, the 2 small back-hanging-filters are sufficient to process the N's?

Is it a Sanches Cory?

Sun Oct 08, 2006, 11:09 PM
Friendly advice how to make your already beautiful tank even better with almost zero cost :D Attach black paper to the back of the tank to make black background. You will be amazed how well this simple thing works.


Mon Oct 09, 2006, 07:23 AM
The hang on the back filters are pretty deceptive, ones 300lph, the others 100lph, both packed with heaps of little ceramic balls that provide heaps of biological filtration, weekly water changes also ensure that there is no build up of Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites etc. IMO its pretty lightly stocked:

10 neons
3 kerri blue tetras
2 corydoras similis
2 apistos
1 otto

Pavel, I am the king of black paper backgrounds! This one fell off and slipped down behind the cabinet cause I just had the HOB's holding it in place :D How are your apistos going anyway? Got any pics for us? I wanna see your double red males :)

Cheers guys!

Thu Oct 12, 2006, 04:42 AM
Pavel, I am the king of black paper backgrounds! This one fell off and slipped down behind the cabinet cause I just had the HOB's holding it in place :D How are your apistos going anyway? Got any pics for us? I wanna see your double red males :)

They are fine. I've got about 100 hungry suckers begging for food from a 3 ft tank :lol: I want them to get to full colours before selling so probably will keep them for 1 or 2 more months.


Thu Oct 12, 2006, 08:20 AM
hey mate, that cory you have there is a Corydoras Caudimaculatus. nice tank!

Fri Oct 13, 2006, 12:30 PM
Sorry dude but I beg to differ....cory similis lack the spots in the dorsal and don't have a crisp defined patch of green near the tail


whereas the caudimaculatus have these features.....http://www.amazon-exotic-import.de/Gallerie/Panzerwelse/Seiten/C.%20caudimaculatus.htm

These 2 links clearly show the difference...and I definitely have the simils.

Either way...beautiful fish :D