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View Full Version : Juveniles Discus Optimal Temp ???

Thu Oct 05, 2006, 10:21 AM
Hi, All
Just your advises what is the best temperature to keep juveniles discus at? I got it at the moment on 30 C. I want to add my 6 cardinal tetras & a Otto to the discus tank. Both of those species I have read from different sites advises about 26~27 C.
What is the best temp to have it on so it will suit both cardinals/otto and maintaining optimal temp for discus growth?


Thu Oct 05, 2006, 10:39 AM
To be honest if ur trying to grow out ur juvnile discus 30 degress would be the lowest temp IMO.. If i was growing out juvies i would have it at 32.
When the discus have grown up when there about 18 months old you can bring them temp down to about 28 at the lowest 29 is good.

So you need to decide what you ur aiming for .. remeber discus like warm water and lots of clean water and heaps of food.

Another thing diseases can't survive the higher temps so a high temp like 30+ is better health reasons..

Good Luck mate

Rick. 8-)

Thu Oct 05, 2006, 11:26 AM
Heya Valk,

28 - 30c will be fine mate :)

