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View Full Version : feeding problem

Wed Oct 04, 2006, 10:42 PM
Hi, i have a little problem with a couple of my discus not eating. 4 of eleven are not eating, the others are doing just fine. i have the four in a Q tank. now all i need to do is figure out what course of action to take.
these pictures are a lot worse than i thought, but i will try and get some better ones.
water changes are made daily(50%) in a 10 gal
amonnia and nitrites are nil, and nitrates are very low. ph is 7.5 and i am not sure about the hardness. i use aqua plus conditioner.
i have been feeding them brine shrimp, bloodworms, the odd time beef heart. and sometimes pellets(which they dont take at all so i am stopping) and they get fed 3 or 4 times daily
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thu Oct 05, 2006, 12:40 AM
How long have you had them for? If they are new they may just be settling in and it is not unusual for discus to not eat for several days sometimes even a couple of weeks whilst settling into a new environment...
I recently had a discus who stopped eating as he was stressed from being bullied, I found that feeding him live blackworms encouraged him back into eating... (Now he doesnt want to eat anything else though lol) But he is eating and nearly back to his oldself...
Just a suggestion...

Mon Oct 23, 2006, 11:51 PM
Could be early signs of Hex?? - just keep an eye out to see if you see any white fluffy poo. Also with Hex they will also isolate themselve and may go darker in colour, and fins may also fray. So I would observe them closely and see if any other signs are apparent.
What temp do you keep your discus at ??-increasing temps may stimulate their appetite - just make sure if you increase temps that you have sufficient aeration in the tank.
Also just wondering if it would be better to lower your pH for the discus?? -I keep mine at around 6 - 6.4. I am not sure if pH 7.5 is too high for discus?!