View Full Version : Would I be OK adding Discus to my planted tank?

Wed Sep 27, 2006, 01:34 AM
I want to add some Discus

I have a 60g, 24" tall, High Light, CO2 injected, heavily planted tank (Amazon Swords and many more). I have 6 Cardinal Tetras, 1 German Blue Ram, 1 Gold Nugget Pleco, 2 Siamese Algae Eaters, 4 Ottocinclus, and 1 yo-yo loach.

PH= 6.8-7.2, KH=9.5, 50% WC weekly
I dose Excel, Potassium, CSM+B, and Nitrate

My questions:

KH=9.5 Too high?

Also my Phosphates are at 2.0 ppm and I have to dose to keep my Nitrates up to 20? Is 20 too high for Discus

I was hoping to avoid buying an RO/DI unit. But I was planning on buying a UV sterilizer.

What do you think? Would I be OK with Discus?