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geo/discus breeder
Sat Sep 23, 2006, 12:12 PM
a coupel of weeks ago my red turk/red snakeskin pair breed they had about 80 babies. me being a dumb first time discus breeder moved them after 2 weeks into there own tank that was a couple of degress colder. but i used there parants water so i thoght it would be ok i took to long moving them they died instantly.

i have got another pair that look like they will spawn soon

i want to rellisticly know how many tanks will i need for both pairs babies and what size i have the room just want to know what would be best

thanks for any help

Sun Sep 24, 2006, 12:37 AM
it depends on what space you have available
the pairs could easily be housed in 2x18x18s depending on there size
and you could also use the same tanks as grow outs for the fryby either moving the parents once the fry are of age or moving the fry the best bet is to move the parents as they are less likely to die from the stress of being moved
i also know others who use a 4x18 as a grow out tank later down the track when the babies outgrow there 2x18
again mate it is all up to what room you have and what way you would like to do it

geo/discus breeder
Sun Sep 24, 2006, 04:21 AM
i am setting up a new fish room so room is not really a problem i just wont to know if i got 2 pairs going what size/how many tanks would i need